Hajj and Umrah Travel Agency

What is Umrah?

Muslims all around the world are encouraged to visit the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca for this special event. During the Islamic lunar months of Rajab and Sha'ban, which come before Ramadan, the majority of pilgrims do the Umrah ritual. Muslims believe that God is especially merciful, open to prayer, and willing to bless those who adore Him during these special months. Umrah is a smaller version of the annual Hajj pilgrimage that allows Muslims to refresh their faith, seek forgiveness, and pray for their needs. It is said that anyone does this act will be forgiven of their sins. Umrah is a voluntary ritual of worship, submission, and gratitude that Muslims do in the name of Allah. This significant pilgrimage ritual can be performed at any time of the year. When it comes time to perform the Umrah, Muslims from all over the world opt for only the most comprehensive Umrah package for december 2023.

Types of Umrah:
It's possible to perform one of two types of Umrah:

1. Umrah al-Mufradah:
A form of Umrah that is performed independently of the Hajj and at any time of the year other than Hajj days.

2. Umrah al-Tamattu:
This Umrah is performed in the lead-up to Hajj, typically in the Islamic calendar month of Dhul Hijjah.

The Primary Distinctions between the Umrah and the Hajj:
Some of the main differences between Umrah and Hajj are as follows:

If they can afford to and are physically able to, every Muslim should make the Hajj at least once in their lifetime. Umrah, on the other hand, is not obligatory but is highly recommended. It is permissible to perform the Hajj and Umrah as many times as one wishes during one's lifetime.

Hajj can only be performed during the first 10 days of the Islamic month of Dhul al-Hijjah, although Umrah can be performed at any time of the year.

Umrah only necessitates a few rites and may be completed in a matter of hours, but Hajj might take up to six days to complete.

Umrah Rituals:
There are three basic Umrah rituals that every Muslim must perform. Instructions for making the Umrah journey are provided below.

1. Ihram:
One must be in the pious state of ihram before entering the Miqat. This is the primary challenge for Muslim pilgrims who wish to undertake the pilgrimage. Pilgrims do ritual cleansing as they reach the Miqat, then they strip naked and put on the Ihram garments. The rituals of entering ihram include of making a declaration of intention and saying the talbiyah, a prayer.

In order to reach the Kaaba, pilgrims must say it several times. While chanting "Allahu Akbar" (God is Great), they must approach the Black Stone at the Kaaba.

2. Tawaf:
Tawaf is the next phase, and it entails kissing the Black Stone seven times as you make circumambulatory motions around the Kaaba and look at it from a distance. Two rakats of prayer should be performed after completing Tawaf. These prayers are only valid if the pilgrim spoke the Dua: supplication in each of the seven rings.

3. Sa’i: Seven moves of prayer between Safa and Marwah:
Sa'i begins his journey between Safa and Marwa on foot when Tawaf is complete. For the most sincere and heartfelt visit to the holy Kaaba, pilgrims must ascend the Safa hill and enter through the Safa door. The next step is to descend once more, make their way towards Marwah's hill, say "Subhan Allah," and approach the two green pillars. They need to complete seven rounds, each of which must be at least 450 metres in length.

4. Halq or Taqsir:
Taqsir is a type of partial hair cut that is often only performed on women who have had at least an inch of their hair cut off. Men will often get a full head shave, known as a halq.

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