Hajj and Umrah Travel Agency

How to Perform a Healthy Umrah?

Hundreds of thousands of Muslims from all over the world visit Haramain each year for the Islamic pilgrimage of Umrah. They take the flights included in their Umrah Packages All Inclusive to get to Makkah, where they perform their religious rites. Since there will be so many people there, each pilgrim must take responsibility for their own health and safety to guarantee a successful Umrah.

Here are some suggestions for making sure your Umrah stays healthy.

Carry a first aid kit along.
Bringing a first aid kit on a trip is a smart idea in case of accidents or injuries. Including, most notably,

• Pliers.
• Gauze.
• Temperature Gauge.
• Castor oil.
• Tape that sticks.
• Cutting shears.
• To prevent infection: antiseptic.
• These gloves are disposable.
• Anti-acid medications.
• Staples for safety purposes.
• A bottle of rubbing alcohol.
• It's a tourniquet.
• To clean your eyes, etc.

If something were to happen to you while you were abroad, whether big or small, you would be more prepared. You should also get some training in basic first aid.

Eat a balanced diet.

1. getting sick is not an option if you plan on performing religious rites in Haramain. Otherwise, you wouldn't be getting the full value out of your pilgrimage experience. This is why it's so important for pilgrims to stick to a nutritious diet rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
2. make sure to drink plenty of fluids when travelling.
3. try not to eat as much junk food as you can.
4. before consuming anything, make sure your hands are clean.
5. Bring some food, such protein bars, with you.

Exercise regularly.
Most Umrah rites are of a physical character, so you'll need to be in good shape if you want to carry them out. So, if you want to have the stamina to do it, you should exercise frequently. If you want to make the most of your Umrah experience with trusted Islamic travel agency uk, avoiding becoming overtired during the sacrificial rites is essential.

Take your medications.
You should also make sure you have a supply of any prescribed medications with you in the Holy Land. The reason for this is that locating them there is by no means guaranteed. Bring along some basic first aid supplies, including medication for common ailments like diarrhoea, the common cold, headache, fever, toothache, cough, etc.

Get yourself vaccinated.
Before you leave, make sure you have all the necessary immunisations for your destination. The meningitis, yellow fever, polio, and seasonal flu vaccines are essential.

The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah maintains a comprehensive list of required immunisations, broken down by region of travel, on their official website.

Personal and oral hygiene.
Personal and dental hygiene should be given special attention while in the kingdom. Therefore;

• Take frequent showers.
• Keep your appearance neat and tidy.
• Twice daily, brush your teeth.
• Be sure to regularly wash your hands.
• Maintain a constant condition of Wudu, where you are clean and dry.
• Keep your personal items to yourself.

Minimize physical contact.
Limiting your touch with others and other surfaces can help stop the transmission of germs that might cause illness. Don't put your hands anywhere unless absolutely essential, and always wear masks. This is for both your own well-being and that of your fellow pilgrims.

These are just a few suggestions for an Umrah that won't compromise your health.

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